Harvard Psychologists Say: Parents Who Raise ‘Good’ Kids, Do These 5 Things!

Another great article published by Harved Pyschologists.

I’m a firm believer in the 5 points they make. I think we all have our own parenting styles views and opinions in life but I think it’s safe to say these are the basic fundamentals. It’s amazing how much there is to think about when you have a child. You can do it by making sure it starts with you because that is where our children learn from. Us. 

Again spending quality time with your little ones. They are only young once and I want to spend as much time as I possibly can with our little girl. By singing songs with her, reading books, helping her work on the new skills she is learning at the moment which would be crawling or walking which ever she decides to surprise us with first. Which means spending most of my day bent over holding her hands for balance so she can practice walking everywhere. My back aches but she won’t need me to help her once she’s mastered how to walk because she’ll be trying to run and climb stairs and I’ll be chasing after her. I know I’m extremely blessed to be able to spend her first year with her to see her through all these important milestones and one I’ll never get back. So I’m making the most of ever minute I get with her during the day especially while the weather is good. 

Being a role model. I couldn’t agree more with this. My moms famous lasts words were always do as I say and not as I do, I laughed and still do because I believe that actions speak louder than words. Monkey see, monkey do. My mother was a great role model and it’s because of her I am half the woman I am today. She taught me to cook, clean, take pride in myself and the things that I do. I always say to friends and family. There is always something to be taken from a unpleasant experience. You learn from your mistakes and admit when you are wrong. Look for solutions to problems or issues. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off as I would say and try again. Remember to do the same with your little ones. They see everything you do and say. So think before you speak for words can not be taken back once they have been said and make sure you don’t do anything you wouldn’t want them doing. 

Teaching them values. Now this is something that always makes me think about my father and how successful he has been in life. He words to me the day I left home always stuck with me and were my biggest motivation in life to succeed and do well. To treat others the way I would like to be treated and to treat everyone with respect. To think about other people’s feelings and emotions. To be a reliable and responsible person that people can depend and rely upon. It goes a long way in life. By making us help around the house to earn our pocket money you soon learned the value of money and learned to appreciate the things you have. 

Teach them Gratitude. Now this is one thing I practice every day in my life and one thing I learnt on my path to happiness. The more grateful you are, the happier you are. The more you focus on the positive thing in life the more you attract into your life. I think I have learned some valuable lessons in life that have taught me to think twice, be wise and never to take anything for granted or to expect anything from anyone in life. But when you are kind and generous out of the goodness and kindness of your heart people will do the same for you. Just never expect it. 

Show them the bigger picture. To me that would be doing all the above. Be kind and considerate of others. Don’t be judgemental because you don’t know what struggles the other person is going through. Empathise with others. 

I don’t think these are that different to how our parents grew up and what we were taught growing up so let’s do the same and make sure we still have good children in this world. 

Harvard Psychologists Say: Parents Who Raise ‘Good’ Kids, Do These 5 Things!